Within you lies the key to your healing. Most people don't realize this. Most people are quick to invest their time and money in doctors, treatments, and supplements when they get sick, looking for the magic bullet to make them well again. Few think to look within themselves. Yet that is where your greatest healing power lies. Just days after my cancer diagnosis I was gifted with this story. A woman with terminal cancer was at a workshop led by medical intuitive and author Caroline Myss. The woman was so ill and weak she had to be wheeled in on a bed. At one point in the workshop, Caroline Myss led an exercise on forgiveness. At the end of the exercise, to everyone’s amazement, this woman got up off the bed, and said, “Thank you very much,” and walked out of the room. The next year when Caroline Myss returned, this same woman greeted her at the airport. This story impressed upon me deeply the power of inner work and forgiveness in healing, and I took it as a message particularly relevant to me. That impression proved itself to be true. As the years go by that separate my cancer experience from the present, I think less and less of the physical challenges, and less and less of the fear and anxiety that was constant at least at a low level. More and more I see and appreciate the beautiful unfolding of the inner healing I experienced: the letting go of old stories allowing my true essence to emerge more fully, the love and prayers and help of those that cared about me that taught me to love myself, enjoying the freedom from the shadows that I faced and triumphed over, and the en-‘lighten’-ment I gained in forgiving myself and others, all enabling me to rise up out of my bed of limitation, unhappiness, and self-pity, and to walk with more peace, joy, new possibilities, and immense gratitude. During my cancer journey I did go to doctors, did treatments, healthy diet, and supplements – all the right things to help my body heal. But these things did only so much. I had to dig deep inside to release whatever darkness kept me ill, by going to healers and therapists, doing inner processes at workshops and at home – whatever it took, layer by layer, until finally I broke through the most difficult challenge of having to forgive myself. Then with one short juice cleanse, the cancer left me and never came back. The scarier the shadow, the more healing power is released when the shadow is faced. Go for it and tackle the scariest one; that will be the most liberating! Don’t wait for a life threatening illness to make you do your inner healing – do it now- it’s the best preventive medicine. Even better, your whole life will change for the better and you will be much happier.
Rita Massey
Cancer survivor and holistic health practitioner empowering people facing cancer in their healing. Get tips, tools and inspirations for your healing journey!
February 2020
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